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TAPR Radio Design

October 10th, 1997

This is a paper by TAPR Hams recently released, that incorporates design features which may be included in NSF funded (pending approval) prototype licenceable by TAPR (to commercial radio manufacturers) data radio designed to give longer range (20 miles), higher bandwith (to 525kbps), no licence (FCC Part 15 bands), lower cost (less than $500) spread spectrum consumer level radios than now exist in the marketplace.

The radio described below is at the circuit board stage and at some time will be available for sale. Given its frequency bands it will be usable by the general public when certified by the FCC.

For the latest information on the project visit the TAPR 900Mhz FHSS Radio Project web page or contact Greg Jones, WD5IVD, President of TAPR.

Click Here for the Paper