2502 West Colorado Ave., Suite 203 · Colorado Springs, CO 80904 ·
Voice 719.636.2040 · Fax 719.528.5869 ·Wireless Web http://wireless.oldcolo.com


This Project will systematically field test the technical characteristics of a selected variety of wireless devices and digital radio nets which can be integrated into types of telecommunications networks, including the Internet, which serve the broadest purposes of public education and research by linking computers, sensing devices, control systems, servers, LANS and WANS operated by individuals, classrooms, schools and colleges for research, learning and teaching, connectivity, collaboration, and conferencing. In textual, sound, and image modes of communications.

The purpose of the Project is to produce objective data that has been collected, comparatively analyzed, and presented in network accessible, as well as print, forms for use by the widest range of potential institutional planners as well as those researching, designing, and technically developing later forms of wireless.