~ CROSSROADs ~  A commissioned report for the National Science Foundation
 re: ~Down @ the Crick~ or Field Science by Wireless
 written by Terry Casey ( aka etlady@postmark.net )
 Tuesday, May 5, 1998             
  page    1 *  2  *  3      4  *   5  *   6  *  addendum *
Tuesday, May 5, 1998 

 photo: StarGaZers

While Big Spring Creek is unique, land use conversions from agricultural land to commercial, industrial and residential uses all take their toll on the watershed...and...We have struggled successfully to correct each and every situation that has bubbled up...

And, this time when the current, channelized "ditch" at Brewery Flats is restored to a meandering creek, better management strategies are in place to assist with future growth. If and when Montana Highway 238 needs room for road widening the easement needed will already be available in the Brewery Flats Stream Restoration and Trail project. As of this point in time, almost all of the following historical, waterway, mis~
management mistakes have been corrected:

1930s  Railways alter the creek's course. 1940s  Highways alter the creek's course. 1950s  Flooding is occurring every few years disrupting downtown businesses and residential areas along the banks. Decisions are made to construct dams and change sections of the Creek from meandering to channelized stretches. 1960s  At Brewery Flats, natural meandering creek is straightened out into a channelized "ditch" disturbing natural habitat and spawning grounds...affecting upstream and downstream. 1980s  Water Quality studies begin in earnest. Life Science teacher, Steve Paulson, at Lewistown Junior High School starts taking his students down to the crick to gather water quality data that has no place to go to be stored and accessed. 1990s PCB contamination...Whirling disease...ecolli.

"We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge."
 - John Naisbitt

Problems: affordable Internet Connectivity for schools and libraries...traversing long distances in remote, rural areas...no local  higher education facility.

Solution: ~Trailhead~ a local coalition with Internet connectivity in mind bubbles up and networks to educate adults in the area.
  (http://www.lewistown.net )

Result:     Establishment of Lewistown On Line (LOL)...the fastest ISP in the heart of Montana, USA...Where the local pioneer  spirit beats strong; and folks are globally friendly all day long..:) (http://www.lewistown.net )

 Local Lewistown Area Chamber of Commerce goes on~line  (http://www.lewistown.net/~lewchamb/)
 Local Lewistown Public Library goes on~line  (http://www.lewis-carnegie-library.org)

Steve Paulson, Life Science Teacher    
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