commissioned report for the National Science Foundation re: ~Down @ the Crick~ or Field Science by Wireless written by Terry Casey ( aka etlady@postmark.net ) Tuesday, May 5, 1998 |
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Current News Happenings (continued) Lewistown Junior High School joins GLOBE (Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment) a hands~on environmental science and education program. ( http://www.globe.gov ) The Billings Gazette - (March 30, 1998) Lewistown boy tracks chemical in stream...state, federal agencies follow student's lead "When 10-year-old Isaac Opper read in the newspaper that fish in Lewistown's Big Spring Creek were contaminated with PCBs, he wanted to know why... Isaac, a fourth-grader at Lewistown's Lewis and Clark Elementary School presented the results of his PCB - finding project at the Southwestern Montana Science and Engineering Fair in Billings ...among the things that Isaac learned from his Internet research about PCBs was how they get into the stream's fish. 'The fish eat insects that eat plants that take in the PCBs,' he said. "The state DEQ, EPA and MPC used my project to take samples from the stream. Their samples confirmed my original findings." Lewistown News~Argus - (April 5, 1998) Sixty Acres given for Brewery Flats "Although the Brewery Flats project could feasibly be delayed because of the PCB investigation, there was still a shower of good news at the Wednesday meeting of the Big Spring Creek Watershed Partnership meeting...George Berg (Berg Lumber) of Lewistown offers a donation to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks...north and west of the 30-acre Brewery Flats area..." |
photo: StarGaZers |
News~Argus - (April 12, 1998) Wireless
test project on Spring Creek almost complete "Technology
education students at Fergus High School have taken the wireless field
test project on Big Spring Creek a step closer to completion...students
in Fred Picco's class have worked with John Payne of Inter-Tech,
Inc. to design and build a weather-proof box to house Pasco Scientific
sensors (http://www.pasco.com )
and other equipment for the wireless education project in the Brewery Flats
area..." Lewistown News~Argus - (April 26, 1998) National film crew focuses in on Spring Creek project "...A film crew from the National Education Association, Washington DC filmed a segment on the wireless project as part of a half-hour production by the Montana Education Association...the NSF wireless field test in Lewistown will be one of seven projects in public schools featured in the documentary, which should air in June...'It's an interesting and startling statistic that 70 percent of adults in Montana do not have school age kids. They don't have direct contact with public schools unless they're involved in a volunteer capacity,' said Sanna Porte, Communications Director for MEA..." May 5, 1998 ~Down @ the Crick~ project presented at Emerging Wireless Technologies Conference in Washington DC, as a demonstration, not only of what wireless can now do, but as a model for researchers and educators everywhere. As well as collect real data for environmental researchers and action agencies. next > |