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Scope of Tests
Participant Schools
Key Personnel


David Hughes, the Principal Investigator will organize the overall Project and assign specific dutites, supervise the accomplishment of the technical tasks, coordinate the operations between participating institutions and the Project, negotiate arrangements for the tests involving institutional personnel, conduct independent tests and exercises of all the networks, gather the data from all sources, moderate the analytical review of the data sessions, draw up the findings, and write the final reports.

Dewayne Hendricks will install the wireless networks, optimize and monitor them, gather data on their rated, advertised performance, and adjust them for various tests.

Robert Buass will be responsible for conducting RF tests, benchmarks, throughputs, interference, reliability. He possesses the full range of test equipment required.

Dr. Johnston, who is one of the few scientists who has conducted formal educational sessions (the math and physics of Chaos) by distributed networking to remote K-12 schools (1992-93) will conduct similar sessions with teachers as part of the tests, but relying on more advanced and current end-user hardware and software. He will select and prepare a wide range of the most typical forms and kinds of data, and interactive processing sessions, which would be used in K-12 and general educator science and math inquiries. The forms selected will be optimized for their value in producing test results over the range of data forms that are demanding of bandwidth.

Specialists in video, sound, and graphical data forms, hardware and software, will setup data production systems, both for producing measured test data, and for end user (school) uses for realtime, and production-time uses.

Larry Fox will be the fiscal agent for the Project, negotiate purchases required, take care of property accountibility, make disbursements, do the Project accounting.

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